> JETZT Kryptowährungen kaufen <
Bitcoin, Ripple und andere Altcoins kaufen
Vega is a technology protocol and associated crypto-asset for an open, blockchain-backed public network for fully automated end-to-end trading and execution of financial products. The network is secured with proof of stake and implements pseudonymous margin trading using a novel liquidity incentivization scheme based on market forces to solve the problem of attracting and allocating market-making resources in a decentralized system.
Marktanteil | 0,00% |
Beweis geben | — |
Offen | $0,15 |
Niedrig | $0,15 |
Hoch | $0,22 |
Preis in BTC | 0.00000215372027 BTC |
Zirkulierende Coins | 64.999.724 VEGA |
Insgesamte Coins | 64.999.724 VEGA |
Marktkapitalisierung | $13.596.452 |
24h-Volumen (Coin) | 393.889 VEGA |
24h-Volumen (Währung) | $82.393 |
24h Gesamtvolumen (Münze) | 591.175 VEGA |
24h Gesamtvolumen (Währung) | $123,66K |
Zuletzt aktualisiert | 2024-08-08 20:27:03 +02:00 CEST |
ID | Markt | Geben | Preis | Menge | Insgesamt |
Datum | Preis | Volumen |
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