10050 Kryptowährungen
Gesamte Marktkapitalisierung $3.015,52B
Handelsvolumen 24h $94,36B

Bitcoin Cash Bitcoin Cash Kurs star

-22,07 (-5,73%)

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Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is a hard forked version of the original Bitcoin. It is similar to bitcoin with regards to its protocol; Proof of Work SHA-256 hashing, 21,000,000 supply, same block times and reward system. However two main differences are the the blocksize limits, as of August 2017 Bitcoin has a 1MB blocksize limit whereas BCH proposes 8MB blocks. Also BCH will adjust the difficulty every 6 blocks as opposed to 2016 blocks as with Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Cash is a proposal from the viaBTC mining pool and the Bitmain mining group to carry out a UAHF (User Activated Hard Fork) on August 1st 12:20 pm UTC. They rejected the agreed consensus (aka BIP-91 or SegWit2x) and have decided to fork the original Bitcoin blockchain and create this new version called “Bitcoin Cash”. Bitcoin Cash can be claimed by BTC owners who have their private keys or store their Bitcoins on a service that will split BCH for the customer.


Website besuchen open_in_new
Marktanteil 0,24%
Beweis geben PoW
Offen $384,89
Niedrig $361,18
Hoch $395,93
Preis in BTC 0.00451227936533 BTC
Zirkulierende Coins 19.839.966 BCH
Insgesamte Coins 21.000.000 BCH
Marktkapitalisierung $7.198.359.552
24h-Volumen (Coin) 30.100 BCH
24h-Volumen (Währung) $11.274.173
24h Gesamtvolumen (Münze) 461.447 BCH
24h Gesamtvolumen (Währung) $167,78M
Zuletzt aktualisiert 2025-03-09 19:52:24 +01:00 CET
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