10050 Kryptowährungen
Gesamte Marktkapitalisierung $3.446,01B
Handelsvolumen 24h $813,41B

Aircoins Aircoins Kurs star

0,000006 (45,67%)

> JETZT Kryptowährungen kaufen <

Bitcoin, Ripple und andere Altcoins kaufen

Aircoins is using a mix of blockchain, augmented reality and gaming technologies. This unique setup allows for great flexibility for Aircoins to grasp different markets from both crypto and gaming sectors. The users will be able to transfer credits from a gaming platform to a personal crypto wallet such as the ledger nano. With Aircoins, users can purchase digital AR assets and some AR assets based on location. Vendors can purchase coins or advertisement packs and place the coins around their venues. App users can collect these coins and redeem them.

Marktanteil 0,00%
Beweis geben
Offen $0,000012
Niedrig $0,000012
Hoch $0,000020
Preis in BTC 0.00000000018540 BTC
Zirkulierende Coins 0 AIRX
Insgesamte Coins AIRX
Marktkapitalisierung $0
24h-Volumen (Coin) 31 AIRX
24h-Volumen (Währung) $0
24h Gesamtvolumen (Münze) 31 AIRX
24h Gesamtvolumen (Währung) $0,00000000
Zuletzt aktualisiert 2024-08-08 20:26:50 +02:00 CEST
ID Markt Geben Preis Menge Insgesamt
Datum Preis Volumen

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